Ido Segev

It is with a degree of sadness I cannot possibly describe, that I mourn the passing of Ido Segev in an aviation accident last Wednesday, 19th February. Ido worked with me at Foxbat Australia for over 3 years and, for the last 18 months or so, we were joint directors of AeroEdge Australia.

Ido had such an energy and enthusiasm for everything that flies – from drones, to RC aircraft, where he won numerous prizes, to full size aeroplanes. He seemed to have a natural flair for aircraft control, whatever the size of the aircraft. As one of his RC model friends said: ‘He had golden hands’.

One of his aviation passions was aerobatics. He had a part share ownership in a little Pitts – he was tall and barely seemed able to fold himself into the cockpit – but as his short videos show, he could really fly that thing. Forgive me, but going upside down in an aeroplane never was my thing… but Ido described it as ‘better than a psychologist!’

Ido’s passion for flying – and indeed life – was highly infectious. He brought new ideas and excitement to both Foxbat and AeroEdge. In all the time he worked with me I never heard anything but praise about his attitude, approach and attention to details. His sole aim was to make the whole buying and owning process memorable and enjoyable for customers.

He leaves behind a grieving family, both in Australia and in Israel; I wish them my deepest condolences. He also leaves behind his long term partner, Bree Sutcliffe; I cannot imagine what she is going through but I hope the knowledge that Ido was loved and respected by  all who met him gives her some support during this awful time.

He became almost a son to me and I’ll miss him very much.

10 thoughts on “Ido Segev

  1. My wife & I met Ido at Tyabb in September 2016 when We picked up our Foxbat, I was fortunate to share the cockpit with him on my famil flight, he impressed me with his passion & love for all things aviation, as well as demonstrating that he was a very gifted & talented instructor & pilot, Ido Aleha HaShalom.

  2. So sorry for your loss, Peter, and Ido’s family and large circle of friends. Clearly he was a highly respected ‘man’, let alone the admiration many express about his talents with anything relating to flying. Here’s wishing that you all find peace in your profound sorrow.

  3. What a loss. Nice words for an excellent person. I barely knew Ido, but from the little contact we had I was really impressed and hoped to get to know him better. So sad for everyone close to him as the loss is obviously huge.

  4. So sorry to hear reasonably small community in Australia and to loose 4 souls that love the skills is indeed a sad passing

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