
FoxbatPilot is aimed at providing aviation information, thoughts and ideas for Aeroprakt A22 Foxbat owners. Owners and pilots of lesser aircraft may also find some of the information of interest!

It is written and published by me, Peter Harlow, of Foxbat Australia Pty Ltd. These are my personal views, thoughts and information and are not necessarily those of the Foxbat manufacturer or any of my colleagues who are part of the worldwide Foxbat family.

I am currently based in Melbourne, Australia.

4 thoughts on “About

  1. Enjoy reading this blog & the Foxbat web site, keep it up, just one question for you Peter, as things are going pear shaped in Ukraine what’s happing to the Foxbat factory? Surely a/c orders from around the world have stopped with a civil war around the corner, they must be thinking of relocating to protect their business.

    • Hi Ben – thanks for your comments on the blog.
      I’d like to re-assure you and others with an interest in the Foxbat, that like almost all of the Ukraine, the factory is actually working as normal. Aircraft orders are continuing as usual; I have five on order right now, two of which left the factory early last week. I have also received shipments of spares over the last couple of weeks. As further re-assurance, I am guaranteeing to refund any customer payments in full if the aircraft cannot be delivered due to the unrest.
      The factory is based well to the west of the Ukraine – many hundreds, if not a thousand kilometres or more from any of the areas of unrest. While not wishing in any way to underestimate the political problems faced by the Ukraine, I think that things can often look worse from a distance.
      Presently, there is no indication that Aeroprakt needs to relocate their business.
      We have expressed our concern to them and our wishes for an expedient and satisfactory outcome to the present uncertainties.

  2. Hello Peter …

    I’m from the US, currently restoring the only remaining CallAir (Interstate) Cadet. CallAir built only 2 of them as production prototypes from parts purchased with the type certificate. The company was doing quite well with their A Series of airplanes and by refurbishing L-6s so the ultimate decision was reached to forego production of new cadets and concentrate on their core aviation business. You can follow our progress at letsgofly.blogspot.com …

    All the best


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